The Aptos command line interface (CLI) is a tool to help you compile and test Move contracts. It can also help you quickly play with Aptos features on-chain.
For more advanced users, the CLI can also be used to run a private Aptos network (to help test code locally) and can be helpful managing a network node.
📥 Install the Aptos CLI
Mac →
Install Aptos CLI via homebrew
brew install aptos
Windows →
Install Aptos CLI on Windows via python script or pre-compiled binary
Linux →
Install Aptos CLI on Linux via python script or pre-compiled binary
Advanced (Install Specific Versions) →
Build a specific version of the Aptos CLI from source
⚙️ Setup the Aptos CLI
Setup the CLI →
Setup and configure the Aptos CLIAdvanced (Move Prover) →
Setup and install the Move Prover🛠️ Using the Aptos CLI
Move Contracts →
Compile, Publish, Simulate, and Benchmark Move ContractsTrying things On-chain →
Interact with Aptos, create accounts, query accounts, use a hardware device like LedgerRunning a Local Network →
Run a local node / networkLast updated on